Tags Owner Configuration
This page details some of the configurability options to Bot owners using the Tags cog.
These settings can be applied with the [p]tagset
group command, and viewed with
[p]tagset settings
Custom Blocks
For developers who wish to add custom blocks to the TagScript engine, Tags has built in commands to add blocks without editing the cog.
Start off with the [p]tagset block add <name> <code>
command. The code passed must
subclass TagScriptEngine.Block
and return the subclass.
Here’s an example of a block that returns a random duck image -
[p]tagset block add duck ```pyimport aiohttp
class RandomDuck(tse.Block):ACCEPTED_NAMES = ("duck",)
async def process(self, ctx: tse.Context):async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:async with session.get("https://random-d.uk/api/v2/random") as resp:data = await resp.json()return data["url"]
return RandomDuck
When a user runs a tag with a duck
block, it will return a random duck image such as -
[p]tag + randomduck {duck}[p]randomduck# https://random-d.uk/api/121.jpg
One thing to note in the above example is that the RandomDuck.process
is asynchronous. By default, the Tags interpreter doesn’t support asynchronous blocks,
but asynchronous parsing can be enabled as detailed in
Asynchronous Interpreter.
Custom blocks can be viewed with [p]tagset block list
or [p]tagset block show <block_name>
They can be deleted with [p]tagset block remove <block_name>
, and edited by simply
re-adding a block with the same name.
Custom Block Environment
The following global scope variables are available when compiling custom block code -
Name | Value |
Asynchronous Interpreter
By default, the Tags interpreter only supports synchronous blocks and methods.
However, in order to support custom blocks with asynchronous code and avoid blocking tags,
bot owners can enable the asynchronous interpreter with [p]tagset async True
Synchronous blocks will still parse normally through the interpreter.
Dot Parameter
TagScript block parsing can be changed to identify parameters with . rather than ()
This dot-parameter
style parsing is similar to other formatting parsers, such as
the one used in CustomCom. Enabling this with [p]tagset dotparam
will have the
following behavior -
{server.name}# Red - Discord Bot
# dot parameter disabled{server(name)}# Red - Discord Bot